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Adult Roller Hockey

6:30 - 10:30 p.m.
Dates: Divisions for the Adult Roller Hockey Season will be:

Monday - Beginner +
Tuesday - 40 +
Wednesday - Intermediate +
Thursday - Beginner
Sunday - CoEd Beginner
Sunday - Intermediate
Sunday - Intermediate +

Costs: The individual fee will be $150 per skater and individual goalies are FREE! The team fee will be $1195. This will be for 10 games and the top four teams in each division will make the playoffs.

All players must have a current AAU Inline Hockey number .

Individual Player Achievement Awards
The player with the highest points (goals and assists) in each division will receive a free individual league fee*.

Equipment Requirements
HECC approved hockey helmet
Hockey elbow pads (must be covered)
Hockey shin pads
In-line skates (no brakes)
Hockey stick (no plastic road blades)
Protective cup
Hockey gloves
In-line hockey pants (no ice-hockey socks and shorts)
Team matching jersey with minimum 10” number
Mouth guard (optional but recommended)

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